Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Icons - Star Trek Voyager

Even though things have been hectic this month I have managed to get a few icons made. This set is for startrek20in20  with my theme being Belanna Torres from Star Trek Voyager.

Here are my teasers -

Photobucket   Photobucket  Photobucket


Negative SpaceNo FaceHeroFightHeart
AnimalGunKissAsleepNet Speak

Category - One Episode

Category #1Category #2Category #3Category #4Category #5

Artist's Choice

AC #1AC #2AC #3AC #4AC #5

As ever, all are snaggable, but credit would be appreciated.
The image of "Animal" was taken from
The icon base for "Heart" was provided by the competition.

And, a couple of extras -

Photobucket   Photobucket

Tags: belanna torres, competition, icons, star trek voyager

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