Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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James Marsters Icons

Although life is hectic at present I am still doing a couple of icon sets this month.  This set is for angelbtvs_theme ... and this month we had to choose an actor to make icons of.  I bet no one will guess who I chose!

So, here are my 3 teasers -

Photobucket     Photobucket     Photobucket


Req. ResourceRelationshipDress UpCornerSexy

Category - Cropping

Category #1Category #2Category #3Category #4Category #5

Artist's Choice

AC #1AC #2AC #3AC #4AC #5

As ever, all are snaggable, but credit would be appreciated.

All the photographs were taken by myself at events that I attended in Britain over the last 4 years, except for the one used for "Relationship" which was the wedding photo, and was taken from The image used for "Dress Up" is taken from
Please credit the sources if snagging.
Tags: competition, icons, james

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