Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Look At The Day ... Look At The Time ....

.... Yes, I am sitting in my study typing!

Today has been long ... and I lost my lunchbreak in the muddle.  That meant, although hungry, I got to go home the 1/2 hour earlier.  As I was walking along I got a text to say my internet was ready to connect - so gave it a go ....

And, here I am!

Ironically I am going to Mum & Dad's later, anyway, as Dad has his carpel-tunnel op tomorrow, and I am on taxi service.

However ... as from next week ... Prepare to be spammed by me again.  And, it means I will get to keep up with what you are doing.  Speaking of which, Have I missed anything in the last 3 days?
Tags: internet, update

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