Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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I'm Soon Off To My Parents.

I shall be spending the next 12 days at my parents - ironically even before hurting my hand I was going there for Christmas - and to stay for a few days as Dad has a hernia op on Christmas Eve!!  At 83 - what a way to spend Christmas.

Anyway, I am off to Toni's for tea - and so she can re-dress my hand.

Then we are going to a Carol Service at their local Anglican Church - hopefully seeing Ros there as well.

The later tonight I am off on my normal weekrnd 75 mile drive.  Just hope it isn't too frosty!

Anyway - I will have internet access (I hope) but Dad's link is sometimes terrible - so I hope to be able to keep in touch with you all!
Tags: christmas, injury, mum and dad

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