Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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This MEME has been on quite a few of my f-list ... so have decided to have a go as well.  Hope I get quite a few of you answering :-

I know very little about some of the people on my friends list, while I know some of you relatively well. I read your journals; some of you update regularly and in detail and some of you I hardly know at all. Perhaps you lurk.

But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself? Any old thing at all, so the next time I see your name I can say, "Ah, there's so-and-so, and they love to..."

I'd love it if as many people as possible who have me friended would do this. Yes, even those of you who comment on my LJ all the time. Then post this in your own journal and see what gems of knowledge appear.

Tags: meme

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