Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

  • Mood:

Assorted Sci Fi Icons

This months set of icons for round 12 of scifi20in20 were a bit different, having no set theme ... although the observant may notice that my Category set has a "bit" of a theme going on. Hope you enjoy them.

Here are the 3 teasers -

Round 12 Sci Fi 20     Round 12 Sci Fi 20     Round 12 Sci Fi 20

aliensalternatebadasscliff hangerdoomed
Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20
dream sequencefamilyfancy clothesflashbackglasses
Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20
magicmediano peoplepilotscream
Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20

HeroLove InterestVillainMentorSpy
Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20Round 12 Sci Fi 20

I did say there were some extras -

 Round 12 Sci Fi 20      Round 12 Sci Fi 20      Round 12 Sci Fi 20     Round 12 Sci Fi 20 

As ever, all are snaggable and credit would be appreciated.

The TV shows used are - Andromeda, Blakes 7, Caprica, Dr Who, Farscape, Star Trek Voyager, Thunderbirds, Torchwood and V

Tags: andromeda, blakes 7, caprica, competition, dr who, farscape, icons, james, star trek voyager, thunderbirds, torchwood, v

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