Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Icon MEME, Again!

At the end of last week I was tagged by classicanne01 with this meme and she chose 7 icons that summed up my life. I have now been re-tagged by crossreactivity ... and as both our names ipmly she has chosen 7 of my icons - I am now going to say why they are in my icon list! If you want me to choose 7 of yours, which is what this meme is about, you only have to ask!!

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1 - Who doesn't love Spike's head tilt?? This was one lovely icon I spotted on a general set that earth_vexor had done and I asked her to personalise it for me - ironically I can't read my name as I am colour blind! (Which I did tell the artist - so this won't be a shock to them!)

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2 - This was made especially for me by xevildeadgirlx when she first worked out how to do the "moving" icons. So - she chose the picture and the phrase.
Spike had attitude - he wasn't afraid to step in when needed!

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3 - mouthmount made this for me after I had seen some other art work and requested a William icon. Spike was more William than he wanted to admit (especially before the soul). He loved people - for the sake of them, and his manners were usually there ... until he remembered he was now "Spike"!

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4 - IWhen I joined nekid_spike I was given a gift of 6 icons made by shanmara ... Those cheek bones ... and those eyes looking straight at you ... MMMM

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5 - A great photo taken by ukchrisp and turned into an icon by shanmara ... Come on - Don't the words speak for themselves!! If I can't have Spike - then who better than the man himself ... James (Yes, please!)

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6 - kazzy_cee made a couple of different outline icons - and I just loved this one. I love colour - but that swagger - so Spike.

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7 - I posted earlier in the year that I wanted a thank you icon and always_jbj sent me one of hers. That scene is so special - I wonder if Buffy would have continued to remember it if she hadn't died ... I know Spike would have done!

I suppose my name gives it away, but there is something very special about Spike - as there is about James, himself!!
Tags: meme, spike

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