Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Q & A Meme - #2

I asked a couple of other people to give me questions ... and then when I read the second set I wondered why I was mad enough to do it!

Both sets are tough ... but doing them one at a time should make life easier ... I hope!

Anyway, here are the first et ... asked by luckster25 -

1) Which character from Buffy would you say you are most like? Why?
2) What is your earliest childhood memory?
3) If you won a million pounds right now, what would be the first thing you'd do?
4) What is your all time favourite food/meal?
5) If you oculd be an animal for the day, which one would you be and why?

1) Which character from Buffy would you say you are most like? Why?
I suppose that the easy answer is ... I don't know!

I think I'm a bit like Tara ... the quiet one that very few people ever bothered to get to know.  I loved her character, and like me, she was very supportive of the whole group (as I am my friends) ... like her I tend to not dress in fashion, keep in the background, and even in love, although she loved Willow, it didn't truly work out for her.  But I tend to shut myself off rather than try to make firends, fall in love ... so in that I see sides of Buffy.

2) What is your earliest childhood memory?

Bizarrely I was 2

Yes, I was talking about the evnet some years ago and m&D couldn't believe how much I rmemebered, then we Googled and it occured in 1963.

I went to see the first Hovercraft leave North Wales (don't know where it went .... ? Liverpool)  I remember seeing a "shed" on the beach, that lifted up in the air and moved ... and we all got stung by flying sand!

3) If you won a million pounds right now, what would be the first thing you'd do?

Pay off my debts, on the way to speak to a Travel Agent to organise a trip to the USA ... my friends + sight-seeing.

4) What is your all time favourite food/meal?

Sausage and Chips ...

And I mean proper English pork bangers, fat chips, soaked in salt and (malt) vinegar ... and served in newspaper!  Or, some of the chips turned into a butty!

5) If you oculd be an animal for the day, which one would you be and why?

This was hard - but I think, although not a vegetarian, I wouldn't want to kill my own food!  I don't think I want to be a pet either ... so decided to go and be my favourite (non-domesticated)  animal .. a giraffe.  Look at the view you would get - and it might teach me to improve my posture and not slouch!

Thanks for those .... hope you liked the answers!

Tags: meme, personal

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