Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Colour Meme

I am meant to be doing the accounts for orchestra - we don't have arehearsal tonight, but we have AGM next week, and as the hon treasurer, I have to get everything done for them. So, what am I doing? Meme-ing!!

The Colour Meme:

Ask in the comments, and I'll give you a colour that I think represents you, and then you list ten things you like in that colour!

I asked enigmaticblues and she gave me purple, as she said my LJ page had the colour ... I actually had to look to see what she meant. I's funny how you see something all the time, and in the end you forget what it looks like!

1 - The colour of my eiderdown here ... and how cold it's getting it will soon be needed. I'm not a duvet person - I much prefer blnkets ... and then my snuggly eiderdown on top.

2 - The colour of a box of Quality Street - my favourite box of chocolates.

3 - The basic colour of my summer dressing gown at Mum & Dads ... it has an exotic Chinese pattern on it, but the underlying colour is purple.

4 - The towels that I give to my guests when they stay - a set of 4 ... 2 plain, 2 patterned.

5 - My bikini! (I have 2 ...the other is black)

6 - The t-shirt I wore when I went to Cardiff, the second time - my first ever fan event .... yay, James!

7 - The CD holder that I have half my Dresden Files CDs in (the other 1/2 are in a black holder) ... Yay, James, again!

8 - My Elvis coasters - Tim bought me Elvis coasters, as he said he didn't want to use Spike (!) ... they are black with white Elvis and purple writing.

9 - My new "unmentionables" that I bought last week!!!!

10 - And, finally, my favourite jodphurs were purple - with a white flower appliqued on the left "cheek".

So, if you want to play, just let me know.

Tags: meme, personal

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