So, there will be a couple of posts of replies ... My first of which starts with the questions that
1. Quick! Tell me the first fondest childhood memory that comes to mind.
2. Someone just gave you a coupon for an all-expensive paid vacation to anywhere in the world. You have to be at the airport in three hours. Where are you going?
3. What is your favorite flower?
4. What color is your toothbrush?
5. Do you like your neighbors?
1. Quick! Tell me the first fondest childhood memory that comes to mind.
I loved going to see the "pretty pebbles" ... ie in the local Churchyard there were a lot of Victorian graves, with marble chippings in!
2. Someone just gave you a coupon for an all-expensive paid vacation to anywhere in the world. You have to be at the airport in three hours. Where are you going?
South-West Unites States. I have been to the North-East ... and a bit in the middle ... and it is my dream to explore California ... and I'm not just saying that because we would get to meet!
3. What is your favorite flower? Honeysuckle - it's always out for my birthday - so fragrent, so delicate.
4. What color is your toothbrush? Green
5. Do you like your neighbors? Don't really know them - both sides are youngish couples with young kids, so don't have anything in common. I get on really well with one of Mum and Dad's neighbours though.
I then had a set of questions from
1) What is your earliest memory?
2) What is your favourite novel - the one you could re-read time and time again.
3) What was your first pet.
4) What is your dream holiday destination.
5) What is a TV show that you always turn off?
1) What is your earliest memory?
I remember going to see the first commercial hovercraft leave North Wales ... I was 18months old. I remember seeing this "thing" on the beach that suddenly lifted up in the air and we got splattered with sand!
2) What is your favourite novel - the one you could re-read time and time again. "The Following of the Star" ... a book written in the early 20s about a poor missionary who is married by a wealthy lady, as her way of supportying the work - and they then write to each other ... and fall in love through those letters.
I also love the whole of the Anne of Green Gable series.
3) What was your first pet.
Scrappy was a spaniel who was 7 when I was born, and died when I was 6 ... sadly I completely blanked her memory from me ... which really upsets my parents.
So, the first pet I remember was Perry, another Spaniel who died in my arms while still only 4 ... he was my shadow, and I said I would never put myself through that trauma again ... but I have, and although saying Goodbye is sad the old phrase is true - "It's better to have loved and lost, than not have loved at all"
4) What is your dream holiday destination.
Another similar question! California
5) What is a TV show that you always turn off?
Soaps ... of all sorts
Horse-racing (with apologies to your sister) ... but I was there with a fatally injured horse, and also lost Jaykub to a broken leg ... never again!
And, the final set are from
1) What do you like the most about living so close to the sea?
2) A favorite game that you played as a kid?
3) Least favorite choir around the house?
4) If you could make one law what would it be?
5) What would be your absolute favorite place to visit (without seeing James)?
1) What do you like the most about living so close to the sea?
I grew up in greater London, so seeing the sea meant I was on holiday! I just love the movement of this west coast where I am at present - it is mesmerising.
2) A favorite game that you played as a kid?
The board game "Sorry" ,the card game "Cheat" (yay ... I was allowed to lie in that!) ... and draughts (checkers)
3) Least favorite choir around the house?
a) I don't like any choirs, at all.
b) I don't like many chairs at all! Change the typo ... still the same answer. I tend to sprawl on a sofa, or preferably the floor.
4) If you could make one law what would it be?
Hard ... but good question!
There are lots of laws I would re-toughen ... I would bring back hard labour, and make prison harder ... but something new ... Possibly, in the case of a "Guilty" verdict the Judge would be allowed to read out loud a statement prepared by the relatives, or the victim.
5) What would be your absolute favorite place to visit (without seeing James)?
I love visiting cities ... love the heritage, so it would be London, Bath, Edinburgh ... no real preference ... I also would like to go back to Venice, visit Athens, Amsterdam, Salzburg
Another couple to do, at some point ... you have been warned!