Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Bude Pic Scam 2

On Satuurday we had to have an early lunch, as I had a music rehearsal, and Mum and dad were heading off to see friends .. but we still went for a walk.

This time we headed down to the cliffs on the left of Summerlease Beach and along the Victorian Breakwater ... as you can see, still hot and sunny -


From the side of the cliffs, as we head down to The bReakwater -Photobucket

The Breakwater is the structure just on the left - we are walking along it now.

Barrel Rock, at the end.

Good day for surfing -

The Breakwater (and no, before anyone asks, I haven't found out why the flag is at half-mast!)

One more set to come!

Tags: bude, camera, jiffy

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