But - I have 2 new puppies now sitting quietly on my profile .... they are much better behaved that young sir!
Thank you kudagirl and deborahw37
I really needed a couple of new friends - you must have been reading my mind.
Un-beta'd fic set just as Season 6 BtVS is starting. Thanks For The Memory! Daylight, see the dew on the sunflower And a rose that is…
I have got a couple of posts for seasonal_spuffy today Here are 9 icons that I made - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.…
This set of icons is made for Round 56 of Monthlyinspo over at DW ... with a theme of Peach Fuzz. All the icons are from BtVS season 6 ... and I…