Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Wow - What A Boring Life I've Had!

Last week luckster25  did a nostalgic post about her past - and "challenged" me to do the same! One main problem is that she is 21, whereas I'm 48, however, I've decided to give it a go.

As you can see if you read her post here she listed some memory that made each year special. Any of my friends who haven't read it, but are James fans must see her age 12 memory, btw.

Anyway - here goes. Just remeber that as my birthday is halfway through the year, you may find that things overlap in year date - but the link is my age!

The reason I decided I would give it a go is actually because I do have a memory of being a year old. I had always thought I was 3, but when I googled, I found I was a year old ... and weirdly it is exactly 7 years before another signifificant step in my life ....

Year 0 - No, I don't remember a thing, but I can assure you I celebrated my first birthday with a black eye ... that I had given myself 2 days previously!

Year 1 - Mum and Dad took me to see the first ever hovercraft run from Rhyl ... I remember seeing this building on the beach, then it lifted up and I got stung with flying sand ... and here is the proof of the date.

Year 2 - A regular memory of this age was going and watching the milk running down the cooling sheets at our friends farm.

Year 3 - I rmember sitting on a mans bed who told me when I grew up he would marry me.  I was in a London hospital while Dad was seeing his dad ... what I didn't know at the time was the man I was chatting to only had days to live ... I would have to grow old fast!

Year 4 -  I remember sitting on the hall windowsill watching for Dad's car lights, as he had gone to see Mum at the hospital.  ... Our neighbour was with me and had taken a phone message that Dad should phone the hospital when he got it - I wanted to know if I had a brother or a sister!

Year 5 - My only time of truenting!  I and my friend Steph hid in the loos rather than go in after break - we had a Welsh test we didn't want to do!

Year 6 - 6, and 6 days old, I was told to play with Nick in the garden ... and be quiet.  Then got told off as we both came in muddy!  I remember it because Mum was busy upstaires, giving birth to Tim!

Year 7 - I got my first ever camera - not many pics survive that I attempted, but I have a good one of my sick grandfather.

Year 8 - I remember July 20th standing with Mum, Dad and a neighbour, in our back garden looking up at the moon ... Looking for Apollo 11.  I watched it all on TV, and was even happier to watch the TV drama with Mum and Dad last year ... with James, of course.

Year 9 - I got sent for after a school mediacl - frightened Mum and Dad ... it was to tell them I was colourblind.

Year 10 - I won a local LEGO competetion.

Year 11
- Started judo lessons - and was told I was actually left handed, whereas I called myself right handed ... so started a lifetime of confusion.

Year 12 - Learnt to play Solo Whist, as I and 3 boys were the only ones in my class not in the year choir.

Year 13 - Managed to swim one width of a swimming pool - and was then pushed in the deap end by my swimming teacher.

Year 14 - Took (and passed) my O Level maths

Year 15 - Gave Chickenpox to both my brothers, and gave German measles to Mum

Year 16 - Learnt archery.

Year 17 - My much loved grandfather died on Christmas Day.

Year 18 - Started college ... gained friends.

Year 19 - First fancy dress party I attended - a sci fi based one, for our college Christmas do.

Year 20 - Got run over 2 days before my 21st

Year 21 - My grandmother, who had been living with us for 3 years died on her 90th.

Year 22 - Graduated - started full-time work.

Year 23 - Went for a day to Rome as part of that years holiday and fell down 20 steps of The Spanish Steps.

Year 24 - Bought my first car - a Peugeot 205

Year 25 - Started playing my clarinet again.

Year 26 - Had my retina repaired.

Year 27 - My beloved Perry died in my arms, at 4 1/2 ... my first pet.  I said I would never put myself through that again ... but, as Mum said, "It's better to have loved and lost ..."

Year 28 - Was a bridesmaid for the first time ... well, technically a Maid of Honour ... and I had to travel to USA to do it!

Year 29 - Watched my baby brother "tie the knot".

Year 30 - Did Beach Missiond for the first time.

Year 31 - 3rd time a bridesmaid (never a bride)

Year 32 - What a boring year - so much so, it's the only time I didn't even go on holiday! 

Year 33 - Sat in a hot tub in the snow (in Colorado)

Year 34
- Started fencing lessons. 

Year 35
- Went on a horse for the first time ever.

Year 36 -  Flooded the front half of my house with a frozen pipe that burst.

Year 37 - Met Toni - and started learning to ride.

Year 38 -  Mum and Dad moved away - I had to look after myself - Oh, no!

Year 39 - I have a namesake - DJ was born.

Year 40 - Let's party - yes, to my parents shock I had a big party to celebrate the day ... and as it was the day after the event I can count it here!

Year 41 - Mum bought me Jaykub, when he had a nervous breakdown at the stables.

Year 42 - Lost my much loved Jaykub.

Year 43 - Saw my first ever BtVS ... and discovered James. 

Year 44 - Discovered LJ! 

Year 45 - Met James for the first time .. Yay and Squeeeeeeeeeeee! 

Year 46 - Damaged my finger badly. 

Year 47 -Sold my Ford Puma - my dream car. 

Year 48 - Decided to change my life around.

Wow - I made it all the way through! 

Don't know whether I have proved I haven't done much with my life - but I suppose I could have just cheated and listen the injuries I have had!!   Anyway - Hope you enjoyed my life's summary!

Tags: personal, rl

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