Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Andrew's Baptism

I said last week that last Sunday we were going to Andrew's baptism - and I haven't got round to reporting back!

It was a long day - but truly special.

Mum, Dad and I left home at 7.45 (we had taken Jiffy to his doggy sitters the night before) and then headed off - the advantage is that being that early on a Sunday the roads are quite!  We had a great trip and arrived at the car park at 10am ... at the same time as the other grandparents, who were also driven there by their daughter (Brenda's older sister ...  who for some reason has never ever spoken to me - she just turns her back as I approach!)

Anyway, having gone to the loo (!), we all headed to the Chapel, and Andrew and Nick were standing in the doorway greeting people which was a lovely touch.

Andrew is in the music group, playing bass guitar, and as he is 14 1/2 it is great to see him so involved.  Tim and Claire, as well as one of Brenda's brothers and family arrived just as we were due to start.

The minister led the service, although all the hymns were chosen by Andrew.  Sadly the minister was a bit vague in what he was saying, but the time flowed.  Sadly I can't remember which hymns we sang - I must ask Andrew, but I know we started with

"All things bright and beautiful" ... Andrew is a science student, so great to see him showing his belief in creation.
I now have the info aboout the hymns - 
I the Lord of sea and sky,
You are the King of Glory,
My Jesus My Saviour.

The minister read of Jesus' baptism and spoke about lent, which hadn't occured to me how appropriate in Church history terms was the date of Andrew's day.

Andrew himself was then invited up to the front, and gave a beautiful testimony about how his faith in God was so important - even though he was only young (5) when he had made his first commitment ... He had been with Nick, he said, and was therefore overjoyed that his dad would be doing the actual baptism.

Nick (and the minister) got into the water, followed by Andrew, and then NIck asked questions as to whether it wa sgenuine and of his choice (as I was asked in 1975), then as he clasped Andrew, and said the

"I baptise you ... "

Nick's voice actually broke.  I choked - my brother is the least emotional person you are ever, ever likely to hear about.  That was special. 

For me, it brought back my baptism, as well as Nick and Tims and later Claires - very special times, and so great that we were all ther to witness such a special and moving event.

Afterwards, as Andrew came out, Tim led a prayer for Andrew, and then Nicks friend of over 20 years finished with a prayer.

It was great that Steve and Rachael were also able to be there - and to share the day.

After the service the Church put on a meal - which was really well organised, but too much food was eaten - and a lot of chatting done!

After theis we went back to Nick and Brenda's for more chat ... and more food, if we wanted ... and Andrew had his picture taken with each part of our side of the family.  Brenda's family didn't want to bother, sor some unusual reason.  Oh well, Andrew only had to suffer for a short time, didn't he.

Here he is with his Auntie Deborah -




We left about 4.30 (with sandwiches for our tea) and headed home, picking up Jiffy en route.

All in all a lovely day - and I was so pleased to be there, and to see all the family (on our side) celebrating with him - I hope he remembers his day, as I do mine, for the rest of his life.

Tags: andrew, baptism, camera, faith, mum and dad, nick and brenda, tim and claire

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