Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Love Hearts - The Gig Set Lists!

James always writes out his set lists, and then gives the sheet to someone - so I have managed to track down the 2 lists, so that I can complete my write up .... plus share with any fans who want to know.

Day 1

London City
Looking at You
Don't worry Son
Birth of the Blues
Too Fast
All that She Wanted
For what I need
Poor Robyn
Civilized Man
Finer Than Gold

Louise - It is a great song, and I especially love him commenting on the girl in question - I shouls imagine that he likes singing this live in England for that reason alone.  A great first song.
London City - As most of you know, my favourite sone ... even if it makes me want to jump up on the stage and give him a hug ... I restrained myself!
Looking at You - The first time I heard this live was 2 years ago at Union Chapel, and I had walked up to the front to take some pictures ... and yes he did look at the camera, so this always makes me smile.
Moonshot - He again commented on his YouTube and on Sullivan, who he said had great talent, but hadn't learnt to write words yet! 
Don't worry Son - He told us that once when driving back to see his son after a long week of shooting buffy he had fallen asleep and ended up in a field ... "Black dogs after midnight" was refering to that tiredness. 
Birth of the Blues - Not one of my favourites, although I did enjoy hearing it this time ... maybe i will grow to love it as much as I do the rest of his sonsg! 
Too Fast
All that She Wanted - One of those songs i like, for no other reason than I like it! 
Katie - He said that the girl he fancied, who he thought was gay ... but he had later met the girls husband, who commented on the song!  I love one line in it about her wearing long sleeves to cover tattoos ... I used to know a really weird  guy who always wore a long sleeved shirt (even when he was meant to wear a uniform polo shirt) ... so it made me wonder if he was tattooed! 
For what I need - When I first heard the song on the CD I was unsure about it - but hearing it live is another matter - he admits he loves singing "naughty" songs. 
Poor Robyn 
Goodbye - I think this was the first time i had heard this live. 
Layabout  - I heard this first soon after he had written it for Patricia, when they were both in Cardiff while he was filming Torchwood.  A great song.
Civilized Man - A song that has slowly grown on me, especially aftre hearing him siong it live. 
Dangerous - I loved this song the first time I heard it on the GotR CD, and still love it now. 
Smile - One of the ones I find hard to listen to, although I like it.  But someone pointed out to me, when I said that last year, that it's because I have never been in love ... now I get the song much better! 
Vandals - His  first song.  he seems to change the words of the last verse each time i hear it to fit in with what everyone is doing nowadays! 
Finer Than Gold - I love this song, but find it very sad. 

Day 2

Not Fall Down
All That She Wanted
The Truth is a Heavy Stone
For What I Need
Don't Worry Son
Too Fast
Up On Me 
Civilized Man
Finer Than Gold
London City

Not Fall Down - Not a song I know ... he had problems with the sound on the guitar while playing, so kept going, then got a knew cable added at the end  
All That She Wanted
The Truth is a Heavy Stone - Another song I have grown to love - and the atmosphere while he is playing is usually "fun" 
For What I Need
Don't Worry Son
Too Fast
Up On Me 
Civilized Man
Finer Than Gold
London City ... yay he sang it again! 


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