Last week I eventually saw the physio at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth - and had good and bad news!
The good news is that at long last I have answers to both recent problems, as well as to my long term Asthma/not-asthma problems
I do not use my diaphragm ... and if I do I reverse its use, by locking it and using it to reinforce my upper ribs ... WOW!!!!!!
Yes, I rely on shallow snatch breathing, with an occasional deap breath to catch up - thus when under stress I actually hold by breath as much as possible. So, scary ... but as I have focussed and thought about it, she is correct! I have breathing exercises to do .... and it is weird to have to learn how to breath - surely I had been doing that all my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So - I have answers ... and exercises to do, but it is long term ... so I shall have to wait and see. Although scary, at least I have proof that there is a problem with my breathing (which is aggrevated by my clarinet playing) ... so now I have to learn how to breath ....
Angel won't be able to teach me (as he told Xander he couldn't do CPR on Buffy) ... but Spike smokes, so he will have to give me lessons ... Poor me, I'll have to suffer!!!!!!