I have my own business - and have for 20 years, but I am not the only osteopath in the town. So sometimes, even if I know it is going to be a waste of time I tend to get "suckered in" to helping.
I will admit todays scheme was a good idea - but the weather was awful and so was poorly attended. The morning wasn't too bad - I even got to meet my MP - even though I didn't know his name, he came over and said "Hi" ... Maybe he thinks that now we have a new Prime Minister we will soon have a General Election - or is that just the cynic in me talking.
Anyway the idea was that it was a health MOT - so you could have your blood pressure taken, find where your nearest dentist is, speak to your local osteopath (my starring role) - etc. there were 14 stands and all fairly busy - until it started getting colder and raining. So then there was a gradual head for home. I only left 1/4 hour early - some left at the first spot of rain. However I am still cold, even though I have already had a cup of tea! Still - the concept was a good idea, both for the health and the community in general - and I gave out quite a few leaflets with my name on - so I may even gain in the business side!
On a sideways note -
When I first got there one of the guys from one of the other stands came over and asked "Was I Deborah?" - When I said I was he just told me he was very jealous ... of what .... yes, he had heard from a friend that I had met James!