Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Just To Say - I Am Back Now ....

... So, prepare to be bored by my tales of Corfu ... and Albania!

It was a great trip, and even though I have come home with a cold, I am also determined to put into practice the positive attitude that returned while I was away.

I had been wallowing again, hadn't I? Life wasn't happening - so I sulked.

Now I am back with a positive push - life is out there, I shall go and find it - look for work (in a positive manner) ... and accept that I am probably meant to be single - seeing how much I was able to help Mum and Dad while we were away brought home to me how much help I can be - but can't be if I were to disappear off into a relationship. Oh well - that's my personal battle to fight.

So - I am starting as I mean to go on - no slobby dress - I'm wearing high heals, btw! No sulking - just me getting on with my life... and seeing what the future holds.

Today I have orchestra accounts to do before tonight - I should have done them earlier, but Barbara didn't get the details to me!!

As I said - pics and scribble will be up, as and when I can get to it, although I will leave you here with this pic. As you know I hate having my photo taken (unless it's with James, for obvious reasons!!), but I had this done on the last day of the hols, and it shows that I am aiming for a bright future ... I hope!!

Tags: corfu, mum and dad, orchestra, personal, rl

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