Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Dry Today - That Means He Had To Work!!

Although after getting him in I did wonder ... I went to get his grooming kit out of the cupboard and usually move the bridle as well - in doing so I saw that the reins were broken - How is debatable ... but without reins, I wasn't going to ride!  I'll ride bareback, but not without a bridle!  So while I started to groom I thought that if Toni didn't get up in time, I would use my 2 ropes .... almost wish that had happened ... one is pink, the other bright blue!!  That and the plait would have made a picture!

Still the good news was he didn't need much grooming as he had been power-showered all yesterday, and hadn't rolled this morning ... He sparkled, and his mane is really silky.

So I plaited, tacked up, borrowed some reins from Toni and then along with her and Junior we set off to meet Ros and Shadow.

We then headed towards the village.  when we were about 1/3 way round, Toni had a phone call to say the boiler repair people had arrived ... they hadn't actually said a day that would come, so she turned round and headed back, while Ros and I carried on.

Poor Shadow couldn't understand and called for Junior a few times - which made DJ hyper for a few minutes ... so all in all it was a "bouncy" ride home!

Once home, while DJ was eating, I found out that the boiler people had got the wrong bits anyway, so there was a kitchen full of bits, and still no sin of a repiar being completed!!

I took DJ out to his field, where he, yes ... you guessed it, promptly got own and rolled!!
Tags: dj

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