Today - Wind and rain all night!
So, as I arrived in his field he was lying down ... took a look and saw it was me and promptly rolled!!!! I almost debated with-holding his carrot!!! But, relented, and he had his carrot, even though he now was wet and muddy - Fun grooming ahead.
We walked in, and as I got his grooming kit he settled in his box, I started grooming ... he started snoozing! It had been a long night!
Once groomed (sort of) and tacked, we met up with ros and Shadow, and along with Toni and Junior (and Smudge) we set off ... round the block! We were going to go further, but all 4 horses were really tired, so thought they should have a lazy morning.
So, back, and a feed, before back to their fields, to catch up on their missing sleep.