Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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At Long Last - Others Are Having To Work!

Yes - DJ trudged in from his field again - very sorry for himself.  However all that changed when he was half way through being groomed - Toni led in Junior.  And it was amazing how much more settled he was.

A 31 day month and this was only the 2nd time that another horse had left the relaxation of the fields to go out onto the roads!  He was so much happier about things ... well except they were ready first and so as Toni led Junior out DJ tried joining them - through the stable door .... and me!!!

Once out and about it was a fairly quiet trip as Junior is not fit.  We met Ros and Cherry , but were going in opposite directions so  just stopped for a short chat.

And so back home - for a feed and back out to his field again - At least this time he could go and tell Conrad how he had protected Junior ... ever if sometimes it was more the other way round!
Tags: dj

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