Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Tuesday Lunchtime Already!

Can't believe it!

Neither could DJ this morning - we usually meet up with Ros and Rags every Wednesday, but we met today as Ros is going to look at another horse tomorrow.  I tried telling DJ it was Wednesday, but he wasn't buying it!

Then when I started grooming him - Well do you know the phrase "Bad enough to make your hair curl" ... Well I don't know what DJ had been up to as his mane and tail were a bit more curly than normal - but very, very tangled!  So - I suspect that the minute my car drives past the end of his field he "parties" until he sees it return.  The second reason I think this is because he is putting on weight - so it's obviously food and drink ... sitting around gossiping, no doubt!  So he will have to go on a diet if this continues.

On the way back from Toni's I went to the shops - to find .. no cucumbers ... So Spike will also be on a diet tomorrow (yes, I am animal sitting again)

Now I have had a quick lunch, scribbling this off before making my brother and his wife an Anniversary Card ... which I want to post on the way to the medical centre - as I have a chest x-ray this afternoon.

Hope your day is going well

Tags: dj

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