Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Dreamwidth ~ FaceBook

Am I just being stubborn ... don't all rush to agree!!

I haven't done Dreamwidth, but think I am about the only one who hasn't.

I did Insane and greatest Jounals about 18 months ago, and never used them. So couldn't see the point with this.

I like LiveJournal, and have it set up as I want. I, more importantly, I love my friends, so hope I don't lose any to DW.

It's like FaceBook -

To be honest, I don't use it, and came close to closing the account. But was then friended by a friends teenage daughter. As they live the other side of the country, thats great. So, I keep the account - but don't do any of the memes, etc that go on. I don't like the layout and find the system confusing.

So this is also an apology (and explanation) to LJ friends who may think I am ignoring them - I'm not ... Just I don't "do" FaceBook.

Tags: lj

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