Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Trying To Get My Feet Back On The Ground!!

I have had the most amazing two days - even with all the travelling - it was a very special time.

I left here at 6.45am on the Friday and drove to my brothers - where I left my car and caught the 8.30 bus for London.  Once there - (and incidentally my first time in London since I had left college in 1983!) I made my way to where I was staying, which was near Piccadilly circus.  In some ways it brought back some great memories of my time at college, as that had been at Trafalgar Square (for those who don't know London the 2 are less than 1/2 mile apart).  Once I had checked in I had a late lunch and made my way to Union Chapel, getting there soon after 3pm.  There were already a few people in the park opposite and we sat around (most of the others in groups), as we weren't meant to be "queuing".  We were eventually moved around onto another road - and a very cold windy road it was!  The people I was queuing with laughed as a police car stopped to see what was happening.  I spent a great few hours chatting to those around - who had all been to the other events - the 2 I spoke to the most had come from Denmark and Sweden.

Then it was time to go in!!

We sat about 7 rows back in the central section and for me this was the real beginning.  I have never been to any gig at all - so I wanted to soak it all in - the atmosphere was great as we waited.

Steve came on at 7.30 and introduced the support act.  I liked his slower pieces, but wasn't as impressed with his rock "stuff" - but he had guts ... He knew we were waiting for James - so all in all a great 35 mins of music.

Then just time to go to the loo - before - 


Yes this is what we were here for.  It was amazing - He seemed really relaxed and happy.  The songs were great - 
Too Fast
All That She Wanted
Civilized Man
Finer Than Gold
Up On Me
This Town
Don't Worry Son (seated)
Poor Robyn
No Promises
The Truth Is A Heavy Stone
White Hot Girls
Not A Millionaire

Fall Of Night
Like A Waterfall
Birth Of The Blues
Baby Blue
... and as 2 of them are my favourites I was that much more impressed.  I can not believe that the time went so fast.  However I think he could have sung all his songs twice and I still would have wanted more.

I did take some photos, but my digital camera was not "playing" and I am still waiting for the films to be returned from the developers, so I hope I have some of him.  It was amazing - WOW!

So back to Picadilly and to try to sleep - Ha Ha.  Just couldn't.

The following morning I caught a coach to Milton Keynes
-  The early start wasn't a problem!  I seemed to spend a lot of the day queuing again!  

I bought some of his photos and then queued to have him sign an autograph.  The people behind me were moaning that he was the only one not personalising the items - I would have loved to have pointed out that he was signing the most - and that was the reason.  However when it was my turn I did get a chance to speak to him - he is just as everyone says - for those few seconds he is focused on you.  Hope I didn't upset him though when we shook hands as my hand was like ice!

Then another queue - this time for the photograph.  Saw the Swedish girl that I had been with yesterday - and laughed that it was yet another cold place to wait.  When it was my turn, my mind went completely to jelly - so I don't remember having the picture taken.  Sounds mad - but is true.  And as I write this I can't even look at the picture to remind me it happened as there was a delay in the printing and having waited 5 hours I had to go as my coach was booked - so I have filled out a form in the hope it can be traced and sent on.

All I can say is that it was an amazing experience - and for those brief few seconds, I was in Heaven!

Sorry I have rambled, for those who have read this far, but wanted to make sure I could keep a lot of those memories - I never want to forget this time - although, in all honesty I don't suppose that I ever will .

Thank You James - It has been amazing!

Tags: james, spring fever

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