Then it was time to go in!!
We sat about 7 rows back in the central section and for me this was the real beginning. I have never been to any gig at all - so I wanted to soak it all in - the atmosphere was great as we waited.
Steve came on at 7.30 and introduced the support act. I liked his slower pieces, but wasn't as impressed with his rock "stuff" - but he had guts ... He knew we were waiting for James - so all in all a great 35 mins of music.
Then just time to go to the loo - before -
Yes this is what we were here for. It was amazing - He seemed really relaxed and happy. The songs were great -
Too Fast
All That She Wanted
Civilized Man
Finer Than Gold
Up On Me
This Town
Don't Worry Son (seated)
Poor Robyn
No Promises
The Truth Is A Heavy Stone
White Hot Girls
Not A Millionaire
Fall Of Night
Like A Waterfall
Birth Of The Blues
Baby Blue
... and as 2 of them are my favourites I was that much more impressed. I can not believe that the time went so fast. However I think he could have sung all his songs twice and I still would have wanted more.
I did take some photos, but my digital camera was not "playing" and I am still waiting for the films to be returned from the developers, so I hope I have some of him. It was amazing - WOW!
So back to Picadilly and to try to sleep - Ha Ha. Just couldn't.
The following morning I caught a coach to Milton Keynes - The early start wasn't a problem! I seemed to spend a lot of the day queuing again!
I bought some of his photos and then queued to have him sign an autograph. The people behind me were moaning that he was the only one not personalising the items - I would have loved to have pointed out that he was signing the most - and that was the reason. However when it was my turn I did get a chance to speak to him - he is just as everyone says - for those few seconds he is focused on you. Hope I didn't upset him though when we shook hands as my hand was like ice!
Then another queue - this time for the photograph. Saw the Swedish girl that I had been with yesterday - and laughed that it was yet another cold place to wait. When it was my turn, my mind went completely to jelly - so I don't remember having the picture taken. Sounds mad - but is true. And as I write this I can't even look at the picture to remind me it happened as there was a delay in the printing and having waited 5 hours I had to go as my coach was booked - so I have filled out a form in the hope it can be traced and sent on.
All I can say is that it was an amazing experience - and for those brief few seconds, I was in Heaven!
Sorry I have rambled, for those who have read this far, but wanted to make sure I could keep a lot of those memories - I never want to forget this time - although, in all honesty I don't suppose that I ever will .
Thank You James - It has been amazing!