Yesterday I had arranged to meet the farrier at lunchtime.
Now, because DJ lives "out" his legs are wet and muddy, so I got there at 11am, so as to start to dry them off - He was happy as it was damp in the air, and he was in his box eating hay!
Anyway - ... and Ian arrives!
So, I had to put his leg-supports on, and apologise to Ian for how muddy he still was, despite my best efforts!
Anyway - while getting him in, I did his bit if the MEME ... yes, mountainheather
I then took him in his box and gave him some hay, before attempting to dry his legs!
After the farrier had finished I fed him and took him back to his field, so he could show off his new shoes to Conrad!.
On the way home I drove up to take a picture of his scarey oily patch, that kalinda001