Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Spark & Burn Awards.

For quite a few on my f-list that title won't mean a thing ... but there again, for the rest it will!

Spark & Burn is one of the fan-fic award sites, that can be seen here , if you don't know about it!

I have been a judge for the last 2 rounds, and have just received the information I need for the next set of judging.  It has been terribly delayed this time due to "RL" going on in the life of Amy the organisor.

However - I am now busy printing out stories ready to read.

As ever I find it a challenge -
  • Some of the fics are stories that I have already read and loved ... in fact 1 of the fics I have read many times and about 5 others are ones I have read during this last year and fell in love with.
  • Some of the fics I will be reading are Spuffy, yet not of the group that I normally read - There are a few that are all-Human, and a couple that are very dark.
  • I have, as ever been asked to do 3 catagories (and, no, I am not going to say which ones ... I don't want any bribes coming my way ... LOL) ... with a couple of the fics being in more than one group.  That is something that I always find extra hard, for some unknown reason.
  • Yes, some of you reading this - it is going to be your fics I shall be reading.
  • You know I hate WIPs ... well, as ever there are some in there!
All I can say is that I promise to judge on an even basis, and hope that all of us come to the correct answers.

For me, it has come at a good time.  I am really feeling that life is going well, so the challenge of reading some work that I normally wouldn't read ... as well as being constructive in my Spuffy thought processes, will do me good!

Tags: fan fic, judging, spuffy

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