Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Day 2 ... And Still Going Well!

So far 2009 is going well - so I really want to share the happy, while I can!

I had a good day today - it started with a trip to, and a chat with, another osteopath.  I am now going to be working Fridays in another practice, just over an hours drive from me .... but as its on a Friday, it is aonly 40 mins drive to Mum and Dads from there.  For those in England, the town is Plympton.  We are going to do an 8 week trial, to see how it works, but hopefully I shall stay for a year, and have some busy days, so I can earn some money and pay back to Mum and Dad the money I borrowed last year.

As well as, hopefully, earning some more money to pay my debts, I am also hoping it will kick my adrenaline further, so that all of my life will be that much more positive again.  While being lazy, I have noticed that laziness, leads to further laziness.  So this will, hopefully, inspire me to pick up all my optomistic attitude.

This afternoon I also played my clarinet for 20 minutes.  So, the positive morning led to me practicing, much to Mum and Dads upset!!!  I didn't actually look at any of the music from orchestra, but just played the Mozart Concerto.  It was a piece that we had at a concert a couple of years ago, and although I am not the soloist for concerts, I have to play for rehearsals.  So that is a great challenge.

Now I have a lazy evening, hopefully catching up with everyones LJ, and not just the Dr Who news that I have picked up so far this afternoon!  I shall have to set my vdeo, as we are all out tomorrow for most of the day - Think of poor Jiffy who will have to take care of the house for you.

Hope that you all have a great weekend.
Tags: 2009, clarinet, dr who, jiffy, mum and dad, osteopath, work

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