Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Talking Of Baths And Carols!

The weekend seemed fairly hectic - getting mum and Dad's house organised for the carol evening ... Christmas shopping ... visiting some friends who are ill ... the final of Strictly Com eDancing ...


Giving Jiffy a bath!

He is actually a good boy - and loves having a bath - and seeing as he also loves plaing, he is usually needing a clean!  Well, on Sunday, a couple of the people from our Chapel wanted to meet him, so when i got in from taking him for a walk - it was into the bathtub for him -





You see - he can sparkle - for a few minutes, anyway!

When dad and I left Chapel in the morning we were told there would be about 20 people coming - in the end there were 35!!!!

Having said that we had a great time - with each family choosing a carol - ann deciding on 2 verses from it.  Finishing with a final choice from the kids - who picked "Away in a Manger".  Then Dad said a few closing thoughts, and we finished with his choice of carol ... and then time for a cup of tea/coffee ... and cakes/mince pies.

It was  a lovely evening - with a great atmosphere. 





Hope that you all had a great weekend as well!

Tags: camera, christmas, church, jiffy, mum and dad

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