A couple of days agao crossreactivity said that she wanted to be distracted from the election news ... so I said if she wanted to hunt through my icons, then she could!
So, here are the 5 she chose ... and amzingly, like the 3 people before her a couple are the same!
Anyway, if you have not seen this meme, and you want me to chose 5 of your icons, then let me know ... and as ever, I offer that if you want to know about any of mine, then you only have to ask!
This is labelled B7 - as it was the first one I had for mt Blakes 7 fandom stuff. I did the icon and then snowgrouse
Blakes 7 was a BBC programme that ran for 4 seasons - my hero being Avon ... the quiet one who dressed in black leather! The show was about a group of rebels trying to re-gain freedom, and had some amazing characters ... and some brilliant one-liners. This phrase being one. "Regret is part of being alive, but keep it a small part" is another.
Yes, I ride and love horses - and DJ is one very lazy pony! A few weeks ago petzipellepingo
I love having icons that I can use to post when I am talking about specific things - and this is one. But the look on that horse's face is just great!
I love Star Trek - and my favourite is "Voyager".
Some months ago I was commenting on a post made by act3scene1 and we "chatted" about the show - and she then made this icon. So it is lovely that it came about through something I said, but I also use it for Star Trek comments and a few unrelated posts.
As my profile says, the reason for my name is that I "fell in love" with a character ... and I need the photographic proof that I have met the actor who brought Spike to life.
I find it hard to believe that I have met James, and use it when talking about meeting him, in posts and comments. It is also weird to see a picture of myself with a guy ... so all in all a lovely icon!
This is a poor icon (in picture quality) but is something that I like to have - I am English ... I love the heritage and culture of my country. I love travelling and love seing other countries traditions as well.
Sadly so few Englishmen care for their country - unlike the Welsh, Irish, scots or Cornish ... so I like to kepp that section of Britain alive.