Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Mini Pic Scam!

You can tell I am having a quiet day today - I'm filling your pages!

Anyway, I took a few pics over the weekend, so thought I would share 5 of them.  They are not great, photographically, but show Jiffy, a couple of views local to Mum and Dad's as well as a picture in their garden.

Mum had a get-well gift from some friends, as she has had a couple of bad nose blleds.  We put it on the carpet, so that we could get a photograph ... but it had to pass inspection first -

Mum and Dad's vegetables mostly died this year, but still have a few apples on the tree.

Looking towards the back of our neighbours house.  There is a huge new housing estate to the left, so (sadly) I suppose these tress will eventually disappear.

The Parish Church of Mum and Dad's district.  We don't go there, but it is on the main road, so see it all the time.

On a Sunday Jiffy has 2 walks - the second Mum and I take him on.

Tags: camera, jiffy, mum and dad

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