Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Ivy's Funeral.

Thank you for all your positive messages a couple of days ago.

The day went off beautifully.  The weather was lovely, there were a lot of people from The Church there, the Vicar gave a lovely eulogy (that was both true and funny), the hymns were both the ones Ivy chose and ones I loved.

The Bible reading was from Revelation 21 .... "God shall wipe away all tears"

Yes, there were tears, we are selfish and miss her ... but she is at peace in Heaven, which is what she longed for.

So it was a lovely tribute to a very special lady, who I had been proud to call my friend.

Farewell Ivy ... I shall miss you, but we will meet again.


And ... Colin didn't go!   His wife and kids were there (but their other halves weren't there either) and they kept to themselves.

Tags: bible, ivy

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