Both bandages were still on this morning, and he walked in with a real spring in his step ... he was obviously feeling a bit better, and the wind was getting him leaping around as well.
Toni came and we took off his bandages. The swelling was down, and both legs were pretty cool to the touch. I walked him up and down, then trotted him up and down. He just pulled up short on his last stride ... so overall really great to see, as he was unable to walk evenly yesterday.
however - we have to off-set good news with ...
Bad News!
The weather is breaking - so by the time he is better I shall be getting wet when I ride!
And - Toni made me put the strappings on today. I just panic that the tension is wrong and he will either walk out of them or will cut off his circulation! You can ask a human, but DJ didn't feel inclined to help!
Still after a carrot, I took him back to his field, and he was still springing along, so he is obviously feeling well enough to let the wind tease him!