So, under the cut are 6 largish pics showing the canal - and the fact that it has gates that open onto The Atlantic Ocean!!

Well, I did wonder if I would get here on Saturday, and obviously the answer was "no"!! I ended up having a lazy morning, before heading…
As I spent a lot of time on-line over Thursday & Friday, here, making icons and trying to sort something out for a friend, my old eye injury was…
... despite the awful weather on my drive there. It was heavy, heavy rain. Not nice when you are on a dual carriageway with a lot of lorries around.…
Well, I did wonder if I would get here on Saturday, and obviously the answer was "no"!! I ended up having a lazy morning, before heading…
As I spent a lot of time on-line over Thursday & Friday, here, making icons and trying to sort something out for a friend, my old eye injury was…
... despite the awful weather on my drive there. It was heavy, heavy rain. Not nice when you are on a dual carriageway with a lot of lorries around.…