On top of that - I have cleaned the windows at the front of my house ... mowed the lawn and been to the Bank and the library ... but souldn't egt the book I wanted. I had been promising myself I would brush up on my French Grammer ... no luck, it's all multi-media French conversation ... so if anyone has any ideas about on-line courses I would be grateful.
The sun is out - which was great for my walk to the Bank etc ... I went the long way round!
When I got back I spent some time practicing my clarinet - we have a concert on Saturday, but at this point I tend to play anything but that music. So I sat and murdered Mozarts concerto!
Now I am waiting for a patient to arrive - who has phoned to say they are running late.
So - as you can see it has been a dull day down here - oh well ... at least I got a few things done. Hope your days have been as productive!!