Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Another Monday Clinic

... Well, actually it went OK really

However the departmant has employed someone who will be doing a couple of my clinics, so I lose some shifts.  The person who actually employs me didn't know anything about it, either, as she has only just been promoted.  So, as ever, the problem is "politics" (see, I tell you I don't like politics!!).  And, sadly I was told to train her ... which my immediate boss said was definaitely adding insult to injury.  I really don't think she is going to be good at the job(although that's not my decision), as she has never worked with the general public before.  It's certainly a skill that you have to have, and one part of the job I love.  She also told me twice that she had a degree, I asked her "what in" on the first and with the second time I just commented "so do I!!"  So I shall watch & see how that goes.

Actually, although I was enjoying getting the extra work, and money (!), I am really OK with how things are.  Good to earn the money, but there again, nice to have the extra time ... I am fortuneate that Mum & Dad left the 3 of us money, so I won't be standing outside your door with a begging bowl!

Now, I have washing on the line, and have started to clean the conservatory, although haven't done much yet.  When I have posted this I am going to skim through your posts, although I think many are now just posting on DW, and then going to have a short walk as the sun is out ... too nice to miss.

have a fun afternoon ... but, as ever ...

14. While walking/running/biking/other cardio: music or podcasts or silence?
I walk listening to The Dresdan Files ... as I head out soon, it will be half way through "Blood Rites"
Tags: daily meme, housework, livejournal, work

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