Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Monday Madness

... well, it seemed so this morning.  Yes, we had odd people, yes, we had a no-show .... but for some unkown reason we were in a different clinic room.  The respiratory team had asked to use our normal room (and then didn't even do anything) ... so we were moved .... and it's weird.  The same clinic, same job. but in a different room ... where were the clini-wipes, why did I stand on the left of the patient, rather than the right ... and why is the bin next to me, not behind me.  So, a confusing morning!

Now, as the sun is shining, I am going to have a short walk, before I catch up with some icons and alaso the 2 Snowflakes I need to do ... but, I must do ...

17. Where do you get most of your news?
I listen to a national radio station morning & evening ... so on the hour, I hear the headlines. When it's something special, such as recently with Prince Philip's death, I watch BBC
Tags: daily meme, walk, weather, work

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