Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Wet Saturday :(

However I still managed to get a short walk done - I went to the local supermarket as I am on an "empty the freezer" routine. Both to help the bank balance, but also so that I don't end up with stale food at the back, which ends up not being tasty. But I did walk about a mile and a half round in a circle and also met my neighbour opposite with his puppy. She is now about 5 months old and totally adorable, so it was lovely to catch up with them both.

This afternoon, as I have finished my cleaning project #1 I am going to make some icons and (if you don't tell mum!!), I may even do some of my jigsaw!

Hope that you are all having a fun weekend ... I will try and catch up with you all later, as well. But before I post this -

8. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future, or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
Neither, thank you

9. Would you rather lose the ability to read, or the ability to speak?
Speak - as presumably you will still be able to write, so you can still communicate 2-way

Have fun - see you Monday x
Tags: daily meme, neighbours, rl, shopping, walk, weather

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