So, a really lovely Christmas ... photos to follow.
Tomorrow I am meeting Christine for a National Trust trip ... so won't be around then either.
I do hope that you have all had a good few days ... and will catch up with you in a couple of days. Now off to edit, then post, photos ... but before I go ...
25. Do your parents still live in the same house they raised you in?
LOL - my parents are in Heaven now!
But, I was born in house #1, we moved twice to the house I grew up in, and they moved twice again
26. What’s your favorite flavor of soda, pop or whatever else you call it?
I like lemonade, bitter lemon, ginger ale ... in fact mostly the "fruit" based fizz, but not strawberry.
27. What time do you usually have dinner?
1pm ... tea at 6pm
28. Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized?
Don't have a bathroom cabinet, but the shelf and my kitchen are the most organised places in the house ... not organised my OCD standards, but I can find the things I am looking for!