Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

At Least I Bring Photos Today

As I said earlier in the week, Christine and I had a great day out near Plymouth - we went to Saltram House, which for any of us who have seen the 1995 film Sense and Sensibility will recognise it, as the scenes were filmed both outside & inside the property.

So, whether you have seen Jane Austen come to the screen, or not, then here is the actual place - enjoy


The fireplace in the entry hall

Lounge - the Axminster Carpet is in the process of being renovated.  It was designed to mirror the Robert Adam ceiling
red Drawing Room
The Library
The dining room, desogned by Robert Adams
Chinese Drawing Room

The kitchens
Just love those plate racks behind Christine





So a beautiful and historical house.

With Covid we weren't able to go upstaires, so that means I have the excuse to return again soon!  Most of the stately homes have problems with one way systems up and down staires.  I think that over the "missing" year quite a few of the volunteers have disappeared.

I have ahd a couple of good days at work, although twisted my foot again yesterday, so that isn't so brilliant.  I don't suppose it helps that in the afternoon I walked to the cemetery (and caught the bus home) to lay flowers on Mum's grave as it was the 6th anniversary of her being called Home.

When I got back I phoned Auntie Mary (Mum's best friend) and had an hour of laughs ... she is always fun to chat to. 

So, I am missing a day -

29. What is one thing that you refuse to ever do in your lifetime?
Hold a tarantula (or in fact even go into an insect house in a zoo)

30. Which one of your friends is the most outgoing?
I would say on first contact, Toni, but she like me is good at covering true characters.  So, Ceri who I work with is the person I would go with.

Now, I must get those icons finished before I turn off.  I will try to catch up with you all later, but if not I promise I will tomorrow
Tags: camera, daily meme, day trip, injury, mum, national trust, work

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