However as it's a small island many of the sites that the Germans turned into gun emplacments (etc) were used before.
On one of the days we went to La Hougue Bie, which has a Neolithic Long Grave, and a replica Long House, a 12th Century Chapel as well as German Bunkers, which are now set up as a memorial to the many thousands of slave workers that were used by the Germans to dig all the tunnels. There is also an archeology museum (and we had a talk from the 2 manin archeologists, as a bonus)
The Chapel on top of the long grave ... a visitor, and the view inside
Bronze dagger - 1st century
Entrance to the bunker and the Long House
Inside the bunker
One of the many displays
On another day we had a lunch break at St Aubib, which meant I wandered around as this is where Mum & Dad had their honeymoon in 1952. I had tried to find their hotel, but apparently it doesn't exist any more (the name no longer exists on records 😒). But it was nice to see the town in general -
These houses looked a lot like the photo of where Mum & Dad stayed -