Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Wow - That Seemed Wrong!

Clinic today!  As yesterday was a Bank Holiday I though today would be my "Monday" which always seems bad.  However I was actually home 1/2 an hour early ... and the 3 patients (one cancelled and one no-show) were really nice men.  So a lovely clinic ... now, does that mean the rest of the week is going to make up for it!!

I had a nice lazy couple of days - but actually got a few jobs done that needed doing, so a positive time, as well.

On Sunday I actually walked to The Salvation Army Citadel ... for a variety of reasons we didn't have an on-line service organised.  We still have the builders in, so no morning service.  It was a really nice walk (35 mins each way), and a nice service.  Great to hear the silver band, as well.  For years I played in a Miltary Band (as one of the few non-military), so it was good to hear the close harmony of the music.

Now we are progressing through the week ... Tuesday already.  I have done some shopping as well. 

So, all in all, it's a good day.

After I have posted this I will post some photos that I took on Brenda's birthday ... but, before I go -

31. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?

Jaykub ... a 14.2 Welsh Cob pony  (& DJ ... a 14.1 Connemara pony)
Perry was the biggest of the dogs - a Cocker Spaniel, but big for his breed

Jiffy was the smallest of them all - but gave me an excuse to use this icon!
Tags: church, daily meme, dogs, horses, work

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