Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Good News Or Bad News?

Well I suppose I will find out tomorrow.

I had this morning off which meant I could get an emergency appointment as I had been feeling that my glasses weren't fitting properly (a pain (literally), especially as I have vari-focals).  I wondered if wearing the over-glasses I have to for clinic had caused the problem.  However after 1/2 hour of checks - everything was OK.  However as my notes are marked that I need annual, or less, check-ups they want to see me again tomorrow.  So I am hoping it is just my eyes in general needing a new prescription, even though I was only there 9 months ago.  However the bad news would be that of more loss of sight in my damaged eye ... so, tomorrow afternoon I have an emergency appt.

The good news for both is that it's about 4 miles walk there & back ... so I can certainly have a biscuit, or two, later!

And, of course -

13. What brand are you most loyal to?

Cadbury chocolate
Kellogs cornflakes
... and due to allergy I have Stork block margerine
Tags: blindness, daily meme, food, opticians

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