Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Catch Up On The Meme

6. Have you ever been lost in your own neighborhood?
LOL - I just keep moving till I find where I am.
Actually while Jiffy was alive we explored a lot of the local roads, so I know which are dead-ends etc (Jiffy was one nosey boy)

7. Do you like any board games or card games?
I love patience, and when I visit Nick & Brenda we always play something, as they all love playing an assortment.  When I was a kid my favourite was "Sorry"

8. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
I watched a documentary last night - "The Private Life of Queen Elizabeth".  It was some images of Our Queen done by family & friends.

9. How often do you get hiccups?
Ummm - I have never noticed!  Rare that it lasts for a long time anyway!

So, now I am up to date again.
Tags: daily meme

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