Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

How Can It Be Friday, Already?

I did wonder if I would get to take my photos this morning - so I have PhotoFriday to start with.  Nothing special, just some more Spring colour.

This road is just at the back of me - Jiffy loved walking over that grass in the centre -
My Doctors -






And, finally, you can tell I was walking without Jiffy .... he stayed semi-snoozed rather than running away

I had wondered if I would manage to get some photos done as I had my Manual Handling Update this morning at the hospital. It recently was extended to every 3 years, so at least that is a gap now. There were 8 of us that allowed us space, but also meant that we could all try most things. The only thing we did once was using a hoist ... as I was the only one not on a permanent ward contract I volunteered to be the body. We ended up finishing a bit early, and as it wasn't raining I decided to walk to the local shop ... only to find that there was a long queue, so instead I just extended my walk. I was a good girl and had the camera with me - so there are photos.

Some time this afternoon I have a phone call booked from my GP, but other than that no real plans. So maybe icons, maybe knitting, maybe (well, slightly maybe) some housework. We shall just see what the day brings.

One other thing I am trying to do is to finalise the words for Jiffy's gravestone.  Hard to sum him up in a couple of sentances, but I think I am getting there.

Well, I must get on and try and read all your news.  Before that -

12. Where would you like to spend the most time?

I love being in Churches/cathedrals & museums ... but I also love being at home.  One other place I like is looking out over an active seascape
Tags: camera, daily meme, photo friday, spring, walk, work

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