Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Time To Be Lazy Now


I did work this morning - although we only had one patient turn up. However he was someone who was "hard work" as he never listened to anything. Either any requests we made of him for the test, or even the questions Debbie, the physiologist, asked him. So may have only been one person, but in some ways we were glad there weren't any others to have to sort out as well!!

I then came home had lunch, went for a shortish walk and finished off cleaning my conservatory. So all in a all a positive day.

Now I am going to try and catch up here, and maybe make some icons ... so as I said, time to be lazy now.

let's get today's question done, then get on -

8. Do you believe there is life on other planets?

In all honesty, no. However I do love my sci fi, Star Trek, Star Wars stories ... so maybe there is a part of me that wonders what is "round the next corner"
Tags: daily meme, housework, sci fi, work

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