Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

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Looking Forward To seeing James ... I Hope!

just a short note to say that I hope all those who are going to Borderline tonight have a really great time - Even though I am very jealous!

The main reason I hope that you have a great time is that it will mean that James is fully recovered - I do hope that once he has finished this weekend in England (providing all is well) that he will head home, relax, spend some time with his kids ... and re-charge the batteries.

I love the thought that I will be seeing him this weekend and love the fact that he has had great work opportunities - but don't want to hear that he is suffering because of it!

Anyway - Hope you have a great time tonight - those going to London ... and hope to see a lot of you on Friday at Union Chapel, or at CM in milton Keynes on the saturday

Tags: james

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