Spike is tucked up back in his bed (well, that's where he should always be, isn't it girls?)
The two horses who live-in are back in their stables, eating their tea, having had their bed-time story read to them and the other 4 horses have been checked on. DJ didn't come over - I think he was worried that I was going to ask him to do some more work! We had been out this morning with Ros and Rags - the weather was beautiful and we went along 2 tracks through woods which were quite hilly, so all 4 of us returned home nice and warm!
Out of the other horses - I must question what they had been up to today ... Must have known it was Valentines Day. There are 5 males and 1 female - admittedly the males are all geldings - but out of them all the mares rug was 1/2 undone and askew ... SO ... Had she had fun ... or tried to?? I did ask them all - but no one is telling!