Well I have always loved a wide variety of books, and have loads. Then wehn Mum & Dad died I inherited a load more. However there are a few that are very special
I have loads of Mum's books, her cookery books, her fiction etc, however I have a couple of books that are special. She loved writing poetry, and every Christmas their card had a poem in it, and for special events she wrote a poem.
This is the first page of a long poem she did for my 40th - they never got to do the parents-of-the-bride thingy, but I had a big party for my 40th, and she wrote a very long poem -

Sadly I lost my horse as a 10 year old ... he was a very special boy, and to a certain degree I still miss him ... she wrote me this poem

I also have a lot of Dad's stuff. A few years ago I posted about the book he wrote while in his late 80's and suffering with dementia. That's a special one with his dedication in the front, however thought I would post this of his degree books. I won't ever read them, but at least I have them.

Both my parents left school at 14, yet they were incredible people
I am trying to be a good girl and post a new photo for each challenge ... so you get 2 photos!
This one was taken this morning. All of these were made on The Isle of White ... the map shape this last summer, the other 2 back in 1975. Alum Bay has coloured cliffs, and depending on what year, depends on the colours. Not as many this time, as last. I made the small lighthouse, and Mum the other. And then this year I did the map.

And, for those who don't know the place, here is a picture of those cliffs taken back in September -