Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Colour, Even On A Grey Day

As ever Jiffy needs a stroll, and as you can see it was a very bleak day yesterday, but despite that, and even though we didn't go far, we still found some colour -

 photo DSC_0325_zpsvsexltkx.jpg

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Before I took those photos I had actually taken a couple of photos inside to try and see if I could push myself again.  Not 100% succesful, but here are a couple that made the cut!

 photo DSC_0309_zpsdwtzvfjv.jpg

 photo DSC_0302_zpsj43vziar.jpg

 photo DSC_0305_zpsgqnrr90v.jpg
Don't know the age of the doll, but here are 2 that were Mum's (bizarrely she never named them!)
 photo DSC_0304_zps72rry8j5.jpg
Tags: camera, friday 5, home, jiffy

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