Deborah (debris4spike) wrote,

Edinburgh Photos (2)

One of the advantages of National Trust Membership is seeing history being saved ... and being able to visit these properties.

While I was in Edinburgh I visited 2 NT homes, and another one ... so got to see some history.

Gladstone's Land is said to be one of the oldest houses in the city ... and is certainly very dark in places, however one thing I did love was the painted ceiling in the main room

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The ceiling
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The property was extended during the Georgian times, as you can see -
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The othe NT property I went to was The Georgian House ... and as the name suggests it was built as Edinburgh was being extended in Georgian times, int what is now called The New Town.

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Weirdly, the bedroom was on the ground floor, while the lounge was on the first floor.
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As well as seeing NT properties I also visited John Knox's house.  He got it from the previous owner who was actually one of the court goldsmith's and helped re-model the Scottish Crown Jewels.  Another old house - with the painted ceilings

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 photo The Blue Blanket ndash dedicated at St Giles.  It was carried in the rescue of James III in 1482_zpskpezsvpq.jpg
The Blue Blanket, dedicated at St Giles Cathedral. It was carried in the rescue of James III in 1482
 photo Bassandyne Bible 1576 first Scottish printing of the Bible_zpsdimcc4i7.jpg
Bassandyne Bible, 1576 - first Scottish printed Bible
 photo Luve God abuve al and yr nychtbour as yerse_zpsez1qqvvk.jpg
Luve God abuve al and yr nychtbour as yerse is whay it says above the door
Tags: bible, camera, edinburgh, history, holiday 2019, national trust, scotland

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